Online Grant Application Information
Do you have an innovative idea for a choral project, but don’t have the funding?
Have you always wanted to host a choral workshop or conference in your area of the State, but need some initial funding to get started?
Do you have a great idea for a collaborative project that would reach underserved areas of our State?
The board of NY-ACDA is pleased to announce NY-ACDA Choral Grants, a new initiative that provides funding to members of the New York American Choral Directors Association for creative and innovative projects that support choral singing and/or reach people of all ages who may not otherwise have access to the benefits and community of choral music.
Funding Priorities
- Focus on choral work and/or singing
- Reach populations who may not have access to choirs and/or singing
- Reach populations who may not have access to additional special choral events in their region such as honor choirs, festivals, and special workshops
- Innovative and creative
- Sustainable
- Collaborative (e.g., with other funder involvement and/or implementation partners)
- Replicable or adaptable to other settings
For complete information, download the grant submission instructions:
NY-ACDA Choral Grants 2018 Instructions
Click here to submit a proposal
Questions? Contact Christine Howlett, NY-ACDA President, at