Register for the 2022 Collegiate Conference


Join us for the first ever NY-ACDA Collegiate Conference!

Each session, workshop, and masterclass has been specially curated for collegiate students looking to enter the choral field (directing, teaching, conducting, etc.). This professional development opportunity will help prepare participants for job applications, graduate school applications, the first year of teaching, and much more. Along with this, there will be a featured collegiate roundtable with current NY-ACDA President, Doreen Fryling. More information regarding registration and conference schedule is coming soon and we hope to see you there!

Additionally, there are three unique masterclasses for collegiate members including one that focuses on conducting gesture, one that centers around the rehearsal process, and one that focuses on how to introduce a new piece to a choir. Any collegiate ACDA member is welcome to apply regardless of experience level! Please complete the student application and have an advisor/faculty who is familiar with your work complete the recommendation form.

Registration Link:

Submit your registration payment by clicking the Paypal button below. Registration is $20 + $1 service fee.

Masterclass Application (Student):

Masterclass Recommendation Form (Faculty – please print or make a copy for your files):